It is expected that ResHub permissions will need to be removed from time to time, i.e. when a colleague changes roles or leaves the business.
When that happens it is essential that you manually remove their permissions for accessing the Resolution Hub.
Deactivating a user who has Resolution Hub permissions will instantly remove their Resolution Hub permissions.
How to remove Case Manager permissions.
What happens when you remove Case Manager permissions?
Cases assigned to the user whose permissions are being removed will:
On removal - get reassigned by following existing routing rules*
Case status' will remain the same - Closed cases will remain closed
If you want to control exactly who to reassign to, we suggest you manually reassign the case before the user gets deactivated.
It's worth noting that Vault lets reporters message case managers on closed cases. This means closed cases are reassigned so if a reporter reaches out, they have someone who will respond.
Best Practice Tip
*Prior to removing ResHub permissions, check your GROUPS and ROUTING RULES to ensure they reflect the desired behaviour.